
2 Reasons To Hire A Professional Pest Control Service

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One of the best services that you can have at your disposal as a homeowner is professional pest control, mostly because they can assist you with a wide range of infestations. You will want to consider hiring a professional to handle your pest control because he or she can go beyond surface level control and help identify the species infesting your home. Beyond Surface Level Control A major problem that many people can have when attempting to deal with a pest infestation is that the store-bought pest control products will often only deal with the surface levels of an infestation.…

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Ways To Use Old Window Blinds In Your Garden

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Are you thinking about buying new window blinds, but you aren’t sure what to do with your old ones besides throwing them out? Are you a crafty gardener who hates throwing away things that can still be used in some manner? Here are some ways to make the most out of your old window blinds by using them in your gardening endeavors: Mark planted seeds: Instead of using generic garden row markers, make your own out of an old set of blinds.…

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Indoor Allergies Acting Up? Check These Hidden Sources Of Dust And Dirt

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Are your indoor dust allergies are acting up even though you’ve been doing a good job of dusting and vacuuming to keep your home clean? Chances are, there’s some dust and dirt lingering in a hidden space you’ve been forgetting to address. Here’s a look at four common hiding places for dust that allergy sufferers often forget to clean. Under the bed. When was the last time you moved your bed and vacuumed underneath it?…

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Why Seamless Gutters Are A Good Choice For Your Home

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If you’re looking into various types of rain gutters for your home, be sure to check out the seamless option. Seamless rain gutters offer advantages over sectional gutters, so they are worth the extra expense. The main benefit is they don’t have seams, so they don’t leak. Here’s what you need to know.   Seamless Gutters Need Less Maintenance The seams are the weakest parts of a gutter system. When you have sectional gutters installed, you need to perform maintenance by applying sealant on the seams every few years to keep them tight.…

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How To Create A Western-themed Family Room

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Whether you are moving into a brand new house or whether you are redecorating your present family room, if you have decided to have a western themed room, you are in for a lot of fun. Here are some ideas that might inspire you to create something unique and attractive. Start With The Floor - Consider hardwood floors. They are affordable and easy to care for. They would definitely add to a western mood, too.…

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What To Look For When Buying A Portable Air Conditioner

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Staying cool in the summer can be a challenge if you don’t have the luxury of a central air conditioning system installed at home. Instead of relying only on a ceiling fan or cracking open windows to stay cool, consider the benefits of purchasing a portable air conditioner. In order for you to be entirely happy with your purchase, consider the following important features you should be looking for. Cooling Output…

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Create Beautiful Table Centerpieces Using Outdoor Candle Lanterns

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Having beautiful centerpieces at your wedding can be quite expensive, if you buy them premade. It is possible to create your own one-of-a-kind centerpieces on your own, if you are willing to put in a little bit of time and elbow grease into the project. The following guide walks you through the process of creating an amazing centerpiece for your wedding out of an outdoor candle lantern. Prepare the Lanterns to be Updated…

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Can You See Me Now? Blinds Vs. Sheer Privacy Curtains

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Are you a homeowner who wants to use natural light inside as much as possible, but you don’t want people outside your home to be able to see in? Maintaining privacy is more than a matter of neighborhood etiquette – it’s a safety issue as well. Anyone who can see inside can see what you have that they might want to take. So, you have to have some visually protective layer that also allows light in.…

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Tough Time Getting Trees To Grow? Try Planting A Northern Catalpa

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With so many trees on the planet, you would think they’d be pretty easy to grow. However, many tree species are incredibly picky. They only like to grow in soil with a certain pH, and if they don’t have the right amount of moisture, they succumb to disease or the elements pretty quickly. Getting a tree to grow in your backyard therefore requires that you choose a type of tree that’s suited for the specific conditions of your land – or that you choose one of the few tree species that are tolerant of most any growing conditions.…

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4 Tips For Making A Room Feel More Spacious

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If you are decorating your house you probably a looking to make it look bigger and more open. If you have a small space it can easily feel crowded. Luckily, there are some simple things that you or a company like Jackson Interior Design & Furnishing Company can do to decorate a room to make it look and feel like the room is bigger and more spacious than it actually is. Here are a couple tips.…

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