
Mitigating Radon Is Important

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Radon is a naturally-occurring gas. It is colorless, odorless, and radioactive. It can seep into your basement from underground, and you might not even know you have it until it’s too late to do anything about it. One way to make sure that you know if and when you have radon is to use a radon detector that you place in your basement. If it detects any radon, it will go off, and you will be able to deal with it.…

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4 Steps To Choosing The Best Interior Railing For Your Home

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Interior railing is not usually something you think about when you decide to build a home or remodel your current home. However, choosing the right interior railing can make a huge impact on your home’s interior. The best railing is one that is safe and fits well with your interior design style. (1) Consider safety first The first step when selecting interior railing is to make sure it meets the building codes for your location.…

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Found A Cockroach In Your House? What You Should Do

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If you are going about your business in your house one day and come across a cockroach, you may be equal parts horrified and confused about what to do about it (other than kill it, obviously). There are many steps that you can take if you find a cockroach in your house. By learning what to do about cockroaches in your house, you can then go from being frozen in horror to taking action to avoid the situation again in the future.…

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Everything You Need To Know About Birth Control Implants

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Women nowadays have more options than ever when it comes to birth control. One such method available in the United States for the past decade is the birth control implant. This tiny device, no bigger than a matchstick, is implanted in the arm and provides birth control for three years. Here is what you need to know to determine if this birth control method is right for you. How Does an Implant in the Arm Prevent an Unwanted Pregnancy?…

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Three Types of Blinds for Your Living Room and Advantages of Each

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Besides adding an elegant or charming touch to your living room, blinds serve several functional purposes as well. They can be used to keep out sunlight and help to maintain privacy. When the weather is warm, blinds can also help to keep out the heat, and this can reduce your energy bill. If you aren’t sure what type of window blinds will work best for your living room, here are three types and the advantages of each.…

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Minor Water Softener Issues You Can Solve Yourself

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If you have an older water softener in your home and have been noticing that it hasn’t been working as well, or if you notice some downright odd things like small brownish-yellow grains coming out of the faucets along with the water, you might think it’s time for repairs to be done. This is true, but in some cases the problems you see are actually minor, and you can take care of fixing them.…

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The Cold Weather Is Coming: 4 Steps To Keep The Pests Away

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Summer is officially over. The weather is cooling down. It’s time to start bringing out the winter sweaters. It’s also time to prepare your home for the winter pest invasions. Once the weather turns cold, pests will start looking for places to settle into for the winter. Unfortunately, if you’re not prepared, your home could quickly become the neighborhood hotspot for pest activity. Here are four simple steps you can take to protect your home from pest invasions this winter.…

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3 Tips For Choosing A Patio Cover When Living In A Snowy Climate

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Spending time in your outdoor patio can be tough when the temperature begins to drop and the snow begins to fall. While you may not be planning on using your patio much during the winter, you still want to make sure that your patio is maintained well and that you won’t run into issues regarding the patio getting damaged underneath. This includes your patio furniture, as well as any potted plants or decorations you have set up.…

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Worried About Moving Your Computer? 4 Tips To Keep It Safe During The Drive

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Moving over a long distance can be worrisome since you’ll likely want to keep all of your belongings in good condition. While you may already know what’s involved in keeping your furniture, decorations, and other items protected, it can be a lot more confusing if you’ve never moved with an expensive computer before. Whether you use your computer mainly for browsing online or for gaming or editing photos, you need to look into what you can do to keep your computer protected during the move.…

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A Quick Guide To Understanding Common Issues With Your Residential Windows And Glass

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As a homeowner, it is important to be aware of common problems with your windows and their glass and how to correct those issues. For instance, you may not know that dry rot and jammed sashes can often be repaired for much less than what it could to replace the window. However, if you have insulated windows and you can see moisture between the layers of glass, you are likely to need to replace it.…

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